„Whole-school Approach for Youth with migrant background – WAY”. The main aim of the programme is to create solutions to seamlessly link education and health of pupils and to offer tools and ways to achieve balance beetwen mental and physical well-being through school divisions. As a polish, the programme coordinates Autokreacja Foundation. This organisation supports and motivates active participation in civil society through various social economy initiatives. Focusing on a problems of various social groups a specially on cooperation with young people from poor regions, immigrants and refugees, as well as the elderly and long-term unemployed. Many of the NGO’s projects supports multiculturalism and intercultural exchange by combining different lifestyles, points of view and philosophies.
WAY Whole-school Approach for Youth with Migrant Background)
„Whole school Approach” for Youth with migrant background” (WAY) project aims at: 1. To produce a very first research paper on the whole-school approach adapted to education to students with migrant background that will be published in the „Health Promotion International”;2. develop the methodological guidelines for the training of teachers, educators, youth workers with regard […]
„Whole school Approach” for Youth with migrant background” (WAY) project aims at:
1. To produce a very first research paper on the whole-school approach adapted to education to students with migrant background that will be published in the „Health Promotion International”;
2. develop the methodological guidelines for the training of teachers, educators, youth workers with regard to whole-school approach to education to students with migrant background; 3. supporting of 60 teachers, educators, youth workers in developing the whole-school approach to education to students with migrant background.
While in the long term WAY project aims at:
1. promoting the social inclusion of people coming from a migrant and low socio-economic background;
2. reduce the early school leaving for students of migrant origin.
The importance of funding WAY project lies in the the potential of the whole-school approach aimed at reducing the school dropout of children of migrant origin. Carrying it out at TRANSNATIONAL LEVEL offers, besides, the possibility to strengthen the strategic European dimension of the consortium.