Multiplier Event / Info day

On April 29th, AUTOKREACJA participated in a significant event that brought together various stakeholders, The [...]

FINAL OUTPUTS of Education as a Constructor of Social and Cultural Sustainability for the 21st century

Strona projektu: Dwuletni projekt rozpoczął się w 2020 roku, a uczestniczyło w nim sześć [...]

Inclusive Cities – TOOLKIT

This publication contains methods for creative community need assessment that were invented, tested in the [...]

SolidART – Event in Portugal

Another great meeting in SOLIDART: Network for youth debate on solidarity in times of crisis [...]

Out of Classroom – training course

15-23 June 2022 – Władysławowo, Poland Out Of Classroom is an Erasmus+ training course for youth workers (KA1) [...]

Zaproszenie na warsztaty z tworzenia kolaży [Online]

Nasz świat jest bowiem przedziwnym kolażem, sami go sobie zlepiamy ze wspomnień, skojarzeń, doświadczeń. Próbujemy [...]

Szkolenie dla Mentorów Wolontariuszy [Warszawa]

This is a training course created in order to build mentors’ capacity to support volunteers, and [...]