Inclusive Cities – TOOLKIT

This publication contains methods for creative community need assessment that were invented, tested in the [...]

SolidART – Event in Portugal

Another great meeting in SOLIDART: Network for youth debate on solidarity in times of crisis [...]

SolidART – meeting in Greece

The workshops were a great opportunity for us to meet people from all around Europe [...]


Foster youth employment and entrepreneurial skills using circular economy applied at the food.FOODY EU project [...]

Out of Classroom – training course

15-23 June 2022 – Władysławowo, Poland Out Of Classroom is an Erasmus+ training course for youth workers (KA1) [...]

How to Draw – Visual Facilitation Training

If right now you are thinking that you cannot draw, fear not! This project is [...]

EYE in Rural

The multiplier event of the Erasmus + in Poland took place on 10th December 2021 [...]

Participatory Photography LET ME IN – Training

Warsaw, Poland, October 24 – November 2 contact us: LET ME IN is a project [...]

Thinkaton – Up to Us

26-30.08.2021 Szentendre, Węgry. autor: Olga Stankiewicz Standardowo jak to na samym początku projektu wypadałoby poznać [...]

Konferencja SolidART-zaproszenie

„European Remembrance”Debating with protagonists of the cold warpresentation of local initiatives and best practices.