Multiplier Event / Info day

On April 29th, AUTOKREACJA participated in a significant event that brought together various stakeholders, The [...]

“Breaking the Myths” – Debate

“Breaking the Myths” was the title of an online debate on the issue of fake [...]

FOOD-Y EU Program Handbook and Toolkit

The FOOD-Y EU Program Handbook and Toolkit complement the E-course, offering comprehensive resources and guidance [...]

Join the e-leraning course

Project Result 1: FOODY EU e-course for trainers and youth workers The FOODY EU E-course [...]

Time4EU – Project Summary

The project developed a variety of medium, long-term strategies and proactive activities that engaged participants [...]

FINAL OUTPUTS of Education as a Constructor of Social and Cultural Sustainability for the 21st century

Strona projektu: Dwuletni projekt rozpoczął się w 2020 roku, a uczestniczyło w nim sześć [...]