About the project
The Municipality of Grosuplje, together with 7 other project partners, successfully applied for the project „SOLIDART: Network for the youth debate on solidarity in crisis times, through creativity and art.” The Municipality of Grosuplje participates in the project as a leading partner, other projectpartners are as following:
The purpose of the SOLIDART project is to create sustainable cooperation between project participants in the field of solidarity in times of crisis. With their creativity and innovative approaches, young people from 8 different European cities will analyze the current situation in the European Union and discuss the challenges we are facing. For this purpose, 8 international events will be organized, and the project will also create promotional videos, a manual with creative methods of civic participation and a

Event 1 (1st kick-off event – International Conference “EU and Solidarity in Times of Crisis”)Participation: The event involved 80 citizens, including 12 participants from the city of Preili (Latvia), 18participants from the city of Larissa (Greece), 2 participants from the city of Athens (Greece), 5 participants from the city of Warsaw (Poland), 5 participants from the city of Dolores (Spain), 10 participants from the city of Pontonx-sur-l’Adour (France), 8 participants from the city of Braga (Portugal), 5 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 6 participants from the city of Ljubljana (Slovenia), 5 participants from the city of Grosuplje (Slovenia),1 participant from the city of Novo mesto (Slovenia), 1 participant from Uršna Sela (Slovenia), 1 participant fromGrgarske Ravne (Slovenia) and 1 participant from the city of Amsterdam (Netherlands).Location / Dates: The event took place in Grosuplje, Slovenia (online), from 16/06/2021 to 17/06/2021.Short description: The aim of the event was presentation of partner organisations and best practice cases in connection with solidarity in times of crisis. On the first day of the event a project team meeting took place. It started with welcoming speech from the lead partner, presentation of the event agenda and introduction of the host town and partner delegations. After that project overview followed. During the overview rationale, objectives and expected results of the project were represented by the coordinator. Project narrative, financial reporting and partners’ future projects and possible collaboration were also discussed. After that partners’ networking and follow-up meeting followed, including discussion about exchange of ideas on the design of project logo and dissemination of the project.